Hl7 Governance Operations Manual 6,3/10 6896 votes
Contents.Introduction. This document defines the decision-making practices of the Health Level Seven (HL7) Patient Care Work Group (PCWG). PCWG will adhere to a set of decision-making practices that ensure consensus, openness, and balance of interest. Balance of interest is related to ballot procedures; refer to the Governance and Operations Manual, or GOM (Section 14.03.03) for additional information on ballots and balance of interest. The practices as outlined in this document are designed to enable timely decision-making balanced with an earnest attempt to ensure that input from all affected parties is considered.
Hl7 Template
It may contain Intellectual Property that is protected as outlined in the HL7 Bylaws and its Governance and Operations Manual (GOM), or it may represent work-in-progress towards standards material that will be copyrighted once it has gained consensus in the HL7 community.