Reading Kubota Serial Numbers 6,4/10 2387 votes
ENGINES MANUFACTURED BEFORE JUNE 2012IMPORTANT: Always obtain the serial number when possible. The serial number can help determine the engine model and also help determine the correct service parts and changes based on serial number breaks. OLD FORMAT4-6 numbers that are sequential with no breaks for production month or year NEW FORMAT (starting 1997)Alpha-numeric (e.g.
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- Kubota Serial Number Location
- Kubota Tractor Serial Number
Kubota Serial Number Location
The Kubota Corporation began in 1890 in Japan and began selling engines in 1922. It wasn't until 1976 that the company began selling engines and tractors in America. There is actually no Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) by that name on a Kubota, but there is a serial number and a model number.
XJ5050 or 4J5050) with breaks for production month and year First Digit = Production Year09VWXY2ABCDEFGHJKLMNSecond Digit = Production MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecACEGJLNQSUWYBDFHKMPRTVXZ. The letters 'I' and 'O' are not used in serial numbers. ENGINES MANUFACTURED JUNE 1, 2012 AND AFTEREngine Serial Number Rule (7 digits)Starting June 1, 2012 the engine serial number will have 7 digits (currently 6 digits) and will be completely unique.This means that the engine serial numbers are mutually exclusive regardless of production plant.e.g. Stamped Engine Serial Numbere.g.
Kubota Tractor Serial Number
SISI,I did as much research as I could and can't find anything on it. 1: Are you sure it's a KX30 model and not a KX030? 2: The serial #'s of Kubota's are normally 5 digits and no more, look for other # plates or where your getting the # does it say 'serial #'? 3: Pictures would really help with some details.Bratwurzt,No problem at all, Just had to bust your chops. YummyThank you for your help. If I did it right you should be seeing 2 pic of the KX-30I was looking at the serial # again and it looks to be: 862 - 017293.